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文章作者:杨舸  发布时间:2013-07-12 14:50:36

摘要:中国人口年龄结构的变动所带来的社会经济后果正在受到关注。日本、韩国、印度也经历了相似的人口年龄结构变动过程。日本、韩国正被劳动年龄人口减少、人口老龄化,甚至人口负增长所困扰,鼓励生育的政策措施效果不佳; 而印度则不得不应对人口过多所带来的资源、环境压力。中国正面临劳动力供求关系的改变,劳动力成本上升,人口老龄化进程加速,社会保障体系受到严重挑战。依据日本、韩国、印度的人口政策经验,我国应尽快启动人口政策调整机制,把握时机,为人口问题未雨绸缪。

关键词:人口结构; 变动趋势; 国际比较

The Population Age Structure Trends and Consequences of Japan,South Korea,and Indian-Revelation to China

Abstract: China is facing changes in the supply and demand of labor relations,and aging population,the social security system is seriously challenged. Based on the population policy experience of Japan,Korea,India,China should start as soon as possible to adjust the population policy,to seize the opportunity to plan ahead for the population problem.

Keywords: population structure; trend; international comparison

