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文章作者:张建武;高松茂  发布时间:2009-04-15 16:11:27

摘要: 文章通过静态模型、比较静态和动态模型分析了《劳动合同法》对劳动力市场的影响,结果发现,《劳动合同法》在相当程度上有利于消除劳动力市场的分割,维护市场公平交易,而且并不必然会导致失业率升高;它更加有利于遵纪守法的经营者、有利于促进落后企业改善经营管理水平、有利于促进产业的优化升级,并在一定程度上缓解了"劳工短缺"。事实上,《劳动合同法》起到了鞭策落后、鼓励先进的作用,最终维护了劳动力市场的公平竞争。

关键词: 《劳动合同法》; 工资; 静态分析; 动态分析


An Analysis on the Impact of Labor Contract Law on Labor Markets

Abstract: By combining static analysis,comparative static analysis and dynamic analysis,this paper analyzed the effects of Labor Contract Law on labor markets,and found that this law is to a certain degree helpful to weaken labor market segmentation and maintain fair trade.This law may not lead to the increase of unemployment rate.This law favors entrepreneurs observing laws and regulations,and encourages the im provement of not well developed enterprises,and is facilitative to enhance industries.In addition,this law may to an extent reduce labor shortage.
