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文章作者:  发布时间:2008-02-02 10:58:01

摘要: 文章在对独生子女、独生子女家庭和独生子女伤残死亡家庭概念进行界定后,以孩次递进人口预测方法为基础,在特定生育间隔分布假定条件下,构造独生子女及其母亲二维年龄结构分布,并对实行计划生育以来伤残死亡独生子女母亲人数进行估算。 更多还原

关键词: 独生子女; 伤残; 死亡; 母亲

A Preliminary Estimation on the Quantity of the Mothers with Disabled and Dead One Child

Abstract: After redefining the concept of one-child,one-child family and disabled or dead one-child family,this research,based on the method of parity progression population projection model with the assumption of the distribution of birth interval,constructed the two dimensions of age distribution of one-child and his or her mother,and estimated the quantity and age structure of the disabled or dead one-child mothers.



