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The China Population and Labor Yearbook
文章作者:Cai Fang,Kam Wing Chan,William Lavely  发布时间:2009-12-06 09:49:40


International Advisory Board: Cai Fang, Kam Wing Chan,William Lavely

This yearbook, the English version of the Chinese Green Book of Population and Labor (人口与劳动绿皮书), examines current developments in the Chinese demographic transition and its implications, especially for the labor market. Each annual report is a collection of articles written by demographers and economists from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and other leading research institutes, policy think tanks, and universities in China. Several of the articles analyze the results of in-depth and population surveys conducted in recent years, and many of the findings of this research has influenced and continues to influence major government policy decisions made by the Chinese government.
