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文章作者:蔡昉  发布时间:2008-10-18 11:04:01








上  篇
专题报告一 中国收入分配状况……………………………………………………李 实/001
  一 收入分配基本状况…………………………………………………………………/002
  二 中国收入差距有多大?……………………………………………………………/011
  三 如何理解不断扩大的收入差距?…………………………………………………/015
  四 如何提高收入分配的公平性?……………………………………………………/024
专题报告二 中国宏观经济走势与劳动力市场供求形势变化…………王德文 高文书/029
  一 高增长阶段的就业变化……………………………………………………………/029
  二 城镇劳动力市场供求的新特征……………………………………………………/035
  三 经济和政策因素对未来劳动力市场供求的影响…………………………………/045
  四 结论与政策建议……………………………………………………………………/051
专题报告三 中国劳动立法的新阶段………………………………………………王文珍/053
  一 《劳动合同法》:进一步完善了劳动合同制度…………………………………/053
  二 《就业促进法》:确立了促进就业的长效机制…………………………………/063
  三 《劳动争议调解仲裁法》:建立了快速处理劳动争议的新机制………………/066
  四 《职工带薪年休假条例》:为带薪年休假制度提供了更为明确的法律依据…/068
  五 “三法一条例”的实施:任重而道远……………………………………………/070

下  篇
第一章 收入分配差距缩小的条件成熟了吗?……………………………………蔡 昉/071
  一 转折点及其内涵和关系……………………………………………………………/071
  二 经济增长与收入分配………………………………………………………………/074
  三 实现“库兹涅茨转折”的条件……………………………………………………/076
  四 就业扩大缓解收入分配状况………………………………………………………/080
  五 通过劳动力流动缩小差距…………………………………………………………/084
第二章 刘易斯转折点与中国经验…………………………………………………王德文/088
  一 什么是刘易斯转折点?……………………………………………………………/089
  二 农村劳动力剩余数量………………………………………………………………/092
  三 工资率变化…………………………………………………………………………/097
  四 相关经验证据………………………………………………………………………/099
  五 刘易斯转折点的发展含义…………………………………………………………/101
第三章 刘易斯转折点的国际经验………………………………………王德文 任 吉/104
  一 理论视角与实证经验………………………………………………………………/104
  二 东亚地区的发展经验………………………………………………………………/111
  三 结论与启示…………………………………………………………………………/119
第四章 工资水平、工资差异与劳动力成本………………………………………都 阳/122
  一 工资水平及其变化…………………………………………………………………/122
  二 制造业劳动力成本及其国际比较…………………………………………………/126
  三 刘易斯转折点后的工资差异………………………………………………………/131
  四 结论…………………………………………………………………………………/136
第五章 制造业劳动生产率变化及其含义………………………………都 阳 曲 玥/138
  一 观察生产率变化的意义……………………………………………………………/138
  二 边际劳动生产率及其变动趋势……………………………………………………/140
  三 刘易斯转折点后的劳动力成本优势………………………………………………/148
  四 结论…………………………………………………………………………………/151
第六章 农业生产率变动与农村劳动力流动研究…………………………………王智勇/154
  一 数据与研究方法……………………………………………………………………/154
  二 农业边际产值的变化………………………………………………………………/156
  三 劳动日工价与劳动平均产值………………………………………………………/158
  四 农村劳动力价格的区域差异………………………………………………………/161
  五 小结…………………………………………………………………………………/165
第七章 农村剩余劳动力的新估计及其含义…………………蔡 昉 都 阳 王美艳/167
  一 基于“农业需求劳动力”估计农村劳动力剩余的缺陷…………………………/167
  二 农村劳动力资源的配置状况………………………………………………………/170
  三 基于个体特征估计农村剩余劳动力………………………………………………/173
  四 主要结论及政策含义………………………………………………………………/177
第八章 户籍制度改革的历程与展望……………………………………王美艳 蔡 昉/180
  一 户籍制度的建立与维系……………………………………………………………/180
  二 2000年以前的户籍制度改革………………………………………………………/183
  三 新世纪的户籍制度改革……………………………………………………………/186
  四 关于户籍制度改革的思考…………………………………………………………/189
第九章 如何认识劳动力市场供求……………………………都 阳 王智勇 王美艳/194
  一 判断劳动力市场形势的两种方法…………………………………………………/194
  二 “流量汇总法”的结果……………………………………………………………/196
  三 “存量分析法”的结果……………………………………………………………/202
  四 从供求增量关系看劳动力市场形势………………………………………………/203
  五 对一些问题的回答…………………………………………………………………/207
第十章 农民工的社会保障…………………………………………………………王德文/209
  一 社会保障覆盖情况…………………………………………………………………/209
  二 为什么农民工参保率很低?………………………………………………………/214
  三 参与社会保险的优先序……………………………………………………………/218
  四 社会保障体制改革进展……………………………………………………………/220
第十一章 农民工的福利状况………………………………………………………王 冉/227
  一 所用数据……………………………………………………………………………/228
  二 农民工最低工资覆盖、劳动时间、工资拖欠和住房的基本状况………………/229
  三 农民工福利状况的影响因素及各福利影响因素之间的差异……………………/240
  四 结论和政策建议……………………………………………………………………/246
第十二章 自然失业率与青年就业困难…………………………………王德文 王美艳/249
  一 中国自然失业率变化………………………………………………………………/249
  二 青年失业是自然失业率的重要内容………………………………………………/254
  三 大学生就业困难剖析………………………………………………………………/259
  四 提高青年就业率的途径和措施……………………………………………………/265
第十三章 残疾人的就业现状与就业扶助……………………赖德胜 廖 娟 胡仲明/269
  一 引言…………………………………………………………………………………/269
  二 残疾人就业现状:基于抽样调查数据的分析……………………………………/270
  三 残疾人的收入与贫困状况…………………………………………………………/282
  四 残疾人的就业扶助…………………………………………………………………/287



                  Part One
Report 1 The Current Income Distribution in China ................ Li Shi/001
  1. The Present Situation of China’s Income Distritution ............./002
  2. How Large is China’s Income Gap? ................................./011
  3. Understanding the Increasing Income Gap? ........................../015
  4. How to Improve the Income Distribution? .........................../024
Report 2 China’s Macro Economy and Changes of Labor Supply
     and Demand ........................... Wang Dewen and Gao Wenshu/029
  1. Employment Changes at the Stage of High Economic Growth .........../029
  2. New Charateristics of Labor Supply and Demand
    on Urban Labor Market ............................................/035
  3. The Impacts of Economic Situation and Policies on Future
    Labor Supply and Demand ........................................../045
  4. Conclulsions and Policy Implications ............................../051
Report 3 New Stage of Legislation on China’s Labor Market . Wang Wenzhen/053
  1. Employment Contract Law .........................................../053
  2. Employment Promotion Law ........................................../063
  3. Labor Disputes Mediation and Arbitration Law ....................../066
  4. Regulations of Paid Annual Leave of Employees ...................../068
  5. Implementation of the Laws and Regulations: Long Way to Go ......../070

                  Part Two
Chapter 1 Have Conditions for Decreasing Income Gap
      Been Matured? ....................................... Cai Fang/071
  1. Three Turning Points and Their Relationships ....................../071
  2. Economic Growth and Income Distribution .........................../074
  3. Conditions for Going beyond “Kuznets Turning Point” ............./076
  4. Narrowing Income Gap with Employment Growth ......................./080
  5. Decreasing Income Gap Through Labour Mobility ...................../084
Chapter 2 Lewisian Turning Point: China Experience ........... Wang Dewen/088
  1. What is Lewisian Turning Point? .................................../089
  2. Number of Rural Surplus Laborers ................................../092
  3. Wage Changes ....................................................../097
  4. Some Empirical Evidences ........................................../099
  5. The Implications of Lewisian Turning Point for Development ......../101
Chapter 3 Lewisian Turning Point: International Experiences
      ........................................ Wang Dewen and Ren Ji/104
  1. Theory and Empirical Experiences. ................................./104
  2. Experiences of East Asia ........................................../111
  3. Conclusions and Implications ....................................../119
Chapter 4 Wage Level, Wage Differences and Labor Cost ........... Du Yang/122
  1. Wage Level and Its Changes ......................................../122
  2. Labor Cost of Manufacturing and International Comparison ........../126
  3. Wage Differences when Lewisian Turning Point Is Coming ............/131
  4. Conclusions ......................................................./136
Chapter 5 Changes of Labor Productivity of Manufacturing and
      Its Implications .......................... Du Yang and Qu Yue/138
  1. Why Are We Examining Labor Productivity? ........................../138
  2. Marginal Labor Productivity and Its Trend ........................./140
  3. How Will Labor Cost Be Competitive after Lewisian Turning Point? ../148
  4. Conclusions ......................................................./151
Chapter 6 Changes of Agricultural Productivity and Migration of
      Rural Laborers .................................. Wang Zhiyong/154
  1. Data and Methodology ............................................../154
  2. Changes of Agricultural Marginal Product ........................../156
  3. Labor Cost and Labor Average Product ............................../158
  4. Regional Difference in Rural Labor Cost .........................../161
  5. Conclusion ......................................................../165
Chapter 7 New Estimation on Rural Surplus Laborers and
      Its Implications ........... Cai Fang, Du Yang and Wang Meiyan/167
  1. Shortage of Existed Estimations on Rural Surplus Laborers ........./167
  2. Situation of Rural Labor Allocation .............................../170
  3. Estimations on Rural Surplus Laborers Based on Micro Data ........./173
  4. Conclusions and Policy Implications .............................../177
Chapter 8 Experiences and Perspectives of Hukou System Reform
      ..................................... Wang Meiyan and Cai Fang/180
  1. Establishment and Maintenance of Hukou System ...................../180
  2. Hukou System Reform before 2000 .................................../183
  3. Hukou System Reform in the New Century ............................/186
  4. Some Thoughts on Hukou Sytem Reform .............................../189
Chapter 9 How to Understand Labor Supply and Demand Situation
      ....................... Du Yang, Wang Zhiyong and Wang Meiyan /194
  1. Two Ways to Look at Labor Market Situation ......................../194
  2. Results from Flow Method ........................................../196
  3. Resulsts from Stock Method ......................................../202
  4. Looking at Labor Market Situation from Supply and
    Demand Increments ................................................/203
  5. Answers to Some Questions ........................................./207
Chapter 10 Social Security of Migrant Workers ................ Wang Dewen/209
  1. Coverage of Social Security for Migrant Workers .................../209
  2. Why is Social Security Coverage for Migrant Workers So Low? ......./214
  3. Priority of Participating in Social Security ....................../218
  4. Progress of Social Security System Reform ........................./220
  5. Conclusions and Policy Implications .............................../224
Chapter 11 Welfare Situation of Migrant Workers ................ Wang Ran/227
  1. Data Description ................................................../228
  2. Minimum Wage Coverage, Working Time, Wage Arrears
    and Housing for Migrant Workers ................................../229
  3. The Factors Which Affect Welfare Situation of Migrant Workers ...../240
  4. Conclusions and Policy Implications .............................../246
Chapter 12 Natural Unemployment Rate and Employment Difficulties
      Faced by Youth .................... Wang Dewen and Wang Meiyan/249
  1. Changes of China’s Natural Unemployment Rate ...................../249
  2. Youth Unemployment is An Important Part of Natural Unemployment .../254
  3. Analysis on Difficulties Faced by College Students
    to Get Employed ................................................../259
  4. Countermeasures to Improve Youth Emloyment ......................../265
Chapter 13 Employment Situation and Employment Assistance
      for Handicapped ...... Lai Desheng, Liao Juan and Hu Zhongming/269
  1. Introduction ....................................................../269
  2. Employment Situation of Handicapped .............................../270
  3. Income and Poverty of Handicapped ................................./282
  4. Employment Assistantance for Handicapped ........................../287
