前 言………………………………………………………………………………………蔡 昉 / 1
上 篇
专题报告一 2005年全国人口形势分析报告…………………………………陈 立 郭震威 / 3
一 2005年和“十五”人口变动及人口计划执行情况…………………………………… / 3
二 人口和计划生育工作形势依然严峻…………………………………………………… / 8
专题报告二 中国近年来的就业状况及未来趋势……………………………吴要武 李天国 / 20
一 中国城镇的劳动力供给态势…………………………………………………………… / 21
二 中国的就业需求变化…………………………………………………………………… / 27
三 中国城镇劳动力市场的态势…………………………………………………………… / 35
四 未来就业态势判断……………………………………………………………………… / 39
五 结论与政策建议………………………………………………………………………… / 42
专题报告三 当前农民外出务工的数量、结构及特点………………………盛来运 彭丽荃 / 44
一 农村外出务工劳动力数量……………………………………………………………… / 44
二 农民工流向及就业地域分布…………………………………………………………… / 46
三 外出农民工基本情况…………………………………………………………………… / 48
四 农民工外出务工收入及消费特征……………………………………………………… / 50
五 农民工外出过程中的主要问题………………………………………………………… / 52
六 政策建议………………………………………………………………………………… / 54
下 篇
第一章 新时期的中国人口态势…………………………………………………………顾宝昌 / 61
一 关于人口增长…………………………………………………………………………… / 61
二 生育水平………………………………………………………………………………… / 64
三 生育行为………………………………………………………………………………… / 66
四 人口老龄化……………………………………………………………………………… / 69
五 出生性别比……………………………………………………………………………… / 73
六 城市体系………………………………………………………………………………… / 77
第二章 人口预测及其分析………………………………………………………………王广州 / 84
一 人口预测基础数据与主要参数估计…………………………………………………… / 85
二 中长期人口预测结果分析……………………………………………………………… / 95
第三章 生育率、劳动力市场与经济增长………………………………………………都 阳 / 104
一 生育率对劳动力市场和经济发展的影响路径………………………………………… / 105
二 生育率、人力资本积累和经济增长…………………………………………………… / 107
三 人口转变和劳动力市场:马尔萨斯时代与后马尔萨斯时代………………………… / 114
四 相关的政策启示………………………………………………………………………… / 121
第四章 出生性别比失调的社会影响……………………………………………………郑真真 / 124
一 出生性别比的现状及发展趋势………………………………………………………… / 124
二 影响出生性别比的因素分析…………………………………………………………… / 129
三 出生性别比失调的后果………………………………………………………………… / 135
四 综合治理的战略………………………………………………………………………… / 137
第五章 “未富先老”与劳动力短缺…………………………………………蔡 昉 王美艳 / 143
一 中国的“未富先老”…………………………………………………………………… / 143
二 “未富先老”与劳动力供给和需求…………………………………………………… / 148
三 “未富先老”与劳动力短缺…………………………………………………………… / 153
第六章 “未富先老”与养老保障………………………………………………………王美艳 / 161
一 “未富先老”带来的养老挑战………………………………………………………… / 161
二 城镇的养老保障体系及其脆弱性……………………………………………………… / 163
三 城镇养老保障改革的建议……………………………………………………………… / 169
四 农村的养老保障体系…………………………………………………………………… / 174
第七章 人口红利的获得与丧失………………………………………………王德文 蔡 昉 / 179
一 人口转变的重要性……………………………………………………………………… / 179
二 人口转变与“东亚奇迹”……………………………………………………………… / 185
三 人口转变与中国经济增长……………………………………………………………… / 198
第八章 21世纪中国经济增长的可持续性………………………………………………蔡 昉 / 212
一 中国经济增长靠的是什么……………………………………………………………… / 212
二 为什么中国能保持高速增长…………………………………………………………… / 216
三 今后这些增长因素还存在吗…………………………………………………………… / 219
四 未来增长靠什么………………………………………………………………………… / 223
第九章 中国总人类发展福利:长期趋势与长远目标…………………………………胡鞍钢 / 228
一 GHDI:发展总福利的测度方法………………………………………………………… / 229
二 中印人口与GHDI比较…………………………………………………………………… / 231
三 各地区人口和GHDI变化………………………………………………………………… / 236
四 中国长远人类发展的目标与政策……………………………………………………… / 241
第十章 不同生育政策下人口现状的探索………………………………………………郭志刚 / 250
一 研究的背景、目的与方法……………………………………………………………… / 250
二 不同生育政策人口的基本指标………………………………………………………… / 253
三 人口结构分析…………………………………………………………………………… / 256
四 生育水平分析…………………………………………………………………………… / 263
五 1990年代初婚年龄的变化……………………………………………………………… / 265
六 妇女的曾生子女数……………………………………………………………………… / 267
七 总结……………………………………………………………………………………… / 282
第十一章 论二孩晚育政策软着陆的必要性与可行性…………………………………曾 毅 / 286
一 关于中国未来生育政策研究的简要回顾……………………………………………… / 287
二 研究方法、数据来源与不同生育政策模拟预测方案的参数估计…………………… / 288
三 不同生育政策方案下人口增长、老龄化、劳动力资源及退休金缺口的对比分析… / 291
四 现行生育政策不变方案下的出生性别比偏高及
而二孩晚育软着陆后出生性别比将较快恢复正常…………………………………… / 298
五 人口数量增减,经济、社会、政治成本以及国际竞争地位利弊得失分析………… / 303
六 关于二孩晚育软着陆方案的政策建议及其可行性讨论……………………………… / 306
七 结束语…………………………………………………………………………………… / 310
Preface ........................................................... Cai fang / 1
Part One
Thematic Report 1 Analysis on Population Situation in 2005
................................................. Chen Li and Guo Zhenwei / 3
1 Changes in Population in 2005 and Tenth Five-Year Plan Period ........ / 3
2 The Severe Challenges Facing Population and Family-planning Program .. / 8
Thematic Report 2 Employment Situation and Trends in China
................................................. Wu Yaowu and Li Tianguo / 20
1 The Trends of Labor Supply in Urban China ............................ / 21
2 Changes in Labor Demand in China ..................................... / 27
3 Labor Market Developments in Urban China ............................. / 35
4 Will China Face Labor Shortage in the Near Future? .................. / 39
5 Conclusions and Policy Suggestions ................................... / 42
Thematic Report 3 The Current Situation of Rural Migrant Laborers:
Quantity, Components and Individual Characteristics
............................................ Sheng Laiyun and Peng Liquan / 44
1 Total Number of Rural Migrant Laborers ............................... / 44
2 Migration Flows and Spatial Distribution ............................. / 46
3 Individual Characteristics ........................................... / 48
4 Income and Expenditures .............................................. / 50
5 Obstacles Migrants Face .............................................. / 52
6 Policy Suggestions ................................................... / 54
Part Two
Chapter 1 China's Population Dynamics in the New Period ....... Gu Baochang / 61
1 Population Growth .................................................... / 61
2 Fertility Level ...................................................... / 64
3 Childbearing Behavior ................................................ / 66
4 Population Aging ..................................................... / 69
5 Sex Ratio at Birth ................................................... / 73
6 Urban System ......................................................... / 77
Chapter 2 Population Projection and Analysis ............... Wang Guangzhou / 84
1 Data Sources of the Population Projection and
the Estimation of the Main Parameters ............................... / 85
2 Population Projection Result Analysis ................................ / 95
Chapter 3 Fertility, Labor Market and Economic Growth ............. Du Yang / 104
1 Impacts of Fertility on Labor Market and Economic Development ........ / 105
2 Fertility, Human Capital Accumulation and Economic Growth ............ / 107
3 Demographic Transition and Labor Market: Malthusian and
Post-Malthusian Eras ................................................ / 114
4 Policy Implications .................................................. / 121
Chapter 4 Imbalanced Sex Ratio at Birth and Social Consequences
.......................................................... Zheng Zhenzhen / 124
1 Current Status and Trend of Sex Ratio at Birth ....................... / 124
2 Determinants of Sex Ratio at Birth ................................... / 129
3 Consequences of Imbalanced Sex Ratio at Birth ........................ / 135
4 Comprehensive Intervention Strategies ................................ / 137
Chapter 5 Aging and Labor Shortage in China ...... Cai Fang and Wang Meiyan / 143
1 China as an Aging But Not Affluent Society ........................... / 143
2 Aging and Demand and Supply of Labor ................................. / 148
3 Aging and Labor Shortage ............................................. / 153
Chapter 6 Population Aging and Pension System ................. Wang Meiyan / 161
1 Aging and its Challenges on Pension System ........................... / 161
2 Urban Pension System and its Vulnerability ........................... / 163
3 Suggestions for Urban Pension System Reform .......................... / 169
4 Rural Pension System ................................................. / 174
Chapter 7 The Gain and Loss of Demographic Dividends
................................................. Wang Dewen and Cai Fang / 179
1 Importance of Demographic Transition ................................. / 185
2 Demographic Transition and East Asian Miracle ........................ / 198
3 Demographic Transition and China's Economic Growth ................... / 212
Chapter 8 Population Development and Sustainability of Economic Growth
................................................................ Cai Fang / 212
1 What has Driven China's Growth? ..................................... / 212
2 Economic Growth and Demographic Dividend ............................. / 216
3 Can the Driving Forces Sustain in Next Decades From Now? ............ / 219
4 What can China's Growth Bank on? .................................... / 223
Chapter 9 China's GHDI: The Long-run Trend and Prospect ......... Hu Angang / 228
1 GHDI: A Measurement of Development Welfare ........................... / 229
2 Comparing GHDI and Population in China and India ..................... / 231
3 Regional GHDI and Their Changes ...................................... / 236
4 Long-term Goal of Human Development and Related Policies ............. / 241
Chapter 10 Demographic Exploration of Population by
Current Fertility Policy ................................... Guo Zhigang / 250
1 Background, Objective and Method of Study ............................ / 250
2 Basic Indices of Population Under Different Sort of Fertility Policy . / 253
3 Analysis of Population Composition by the Policy ..................... / 256
4 Analysis of Fertility Level by the Policy ............................ / 263
5 Dynamics of Mean Age at First Marriage in the 1990s by the Policy .... / 265
6 Analysis in Number of Children Ever Born of Women .................... / 267
7 Conclusions .......................................................... / 282
Chapter 11 Necessity and Feasibility of the Two-Children
Plus Late Childbearing Policy in China ......................... Zeng Yi / 286
1 A Brief Review of the Research on Fertility Policy in China .......... / 287
2 Method, Data Sources, and Estimates of the Parameters
in Different Fertility Policy Scenarios ............................. / 288
3 Comparative Analysis of Population Growth, Aging, Labor Force
and Pension Deficit Under Different Fertility Policy Scenarios ...... / 291
4 Serious Problems Pertaining to the High Sex Ratio at Birth Under
the Scenario of Retaining the Current Fertility Policy Unchanged .... / 298
5 Analysis on Increase/Decrease of Population Size, Socioeconomic and
Political Costs and Gain/Lose in International Competition .......... / 303
6 Suggestion on Soft-landing to a Two-Children Plus
Late Childbearing Policy and its Feasibility Analysis ............... / 306
7 Conclusions .......................................................... / 310