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文章作者:张车伟;张士斌  发布时间:2012-08-25 12:26:00

摘要: 中国劳动报酬份额下降似乎已经成为当前的社会共识,但本研究认为中国劳动报酬份额下降并不严重,而是呈现出在低水平上保持稳定的特征,这与发达国家在工业化过程中劳动报酬份额要么在较高水平上保持长期稳定,要么从较低水平上快速上升直到在较高水平上保持稳定的典型特征不同,是工业化过程中的一种非典型特征。造成中国劳动报酬份额低水平稳定的原因,一方面在于第二、三产业的劳动报酬占GDP份额较低,另一方面则和经济发展方式、技术进步类型、对FDI和外需的过度依赖以及劳动力市场缺乏保护等有关。提高劳动报酬份额不仅是一个收入分配问题,而且也是转变经济增长方式的本质要求。

关键词: 劳动报酬; 工业化; 收入分配


The Change of China’s Labor Share: Non-stylized Fact and an Explanation

Abstract: It seems a common knowledge that China’s labor share has decreased,but our studies show that China’s labor share is characterized not with the decrease but with the stability at low level,which is contrast to the stylized fact that developed countries had demonstrated during industrialization:either stable at high level or keep increasing to a high level. The non - stylized fact of labor share change in China is correlated not only with the low labor share in second and tertiary industry but also with the ways of economic growth,types of technological change,over- dependence upon FDI as well as insufficient protection for labor markets. To increase labor share in China is not just a question for income distribution,but it is also required by changing ways of economic growth.

Key words: labor share; industrialization; income distribution

