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文章作者:王美艳  发布时间:2012-01-19 15:41:26

摘要: 基于江苏和安徽两省进行的农户调查数据,讨论农民工汇款对农户生活消费支出的影响。分析结果表明,在控制住其他因素的情况下,与没有汇款的农户相比,收到汇款的农户的健康、住房和其他支出在生活消费支出中的份额更低,食品和衣着支出在生活消费支出中的的份额更高。其他各类别支出在生活消费支出中的份额,在收到汇款的农户和没有汇款的农户之间,没有显著差异。这表明汇款主要被农户用于当前消费性支出,而不是投资性支出。

关键词: 农民工; 汇款; 生活消费支出; 农户调查数据


How Remittance by Rural Migrant Workers Affects Rural Household Consumption Expenditure——Evidence from Rural Household Survey Data in Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces

Abstract: On the basis of rural household survey data in Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces,this paper discusses the effect of remittance by rural migrant workers on household consumption expenditure.It is found that when other things are controlled,rural households with remittance income spend a lower share of their household consumption expenditure on health,housing and other expenditures and a higher share on food and clothing,in comparison with those without remittance income.There is no significant difference in their share on other types of expenditure.This indicates that remittance is mainly spent on present consumption expenditure,not investment expenditure.

Key words: rural migrant workers; remittance; household consumption expenditure; rural household survey data

