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Natural Science Foundation of China Project: The Challenges to the Development of China’s Middle-Income Stage in the Labour Market Transition and the Policy Suggestions
2019-03-20 10:50:10
While the labour market enters the “Lewisian Turning Point”, China has become a middle-income country. The international experiences have shown that this stage is facing lots of uncertainty, among which the labour market is an important one. In China’s middle-income situation, the special feature of demographic transition raises enormous challenges. This research focuses on the key character of the middle-income stage that is the increasing labour productivity, summarizes international experiences, analyzes the challenges by empirical data, and purposes policy suggestions. The project, based on rich data, emphasizes on analyzing the challenges of labour market changes on the development of the middle-income stage; to discuss the laws and determinant factors of wage and productivity change; to research the difficulties of human capital accumulation system and necessity of relevant public policy reform. The project will not only attribute to the theoretical development, but also provide policy consultation to government through the summary of experiences and policies.