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Transforming the Chinese Economy
2024-05-24 10:29:11

Edited by Cai Fang



Book Description

Transforming the Chinese Economy is a translated collection of articles providing a look at how scholars in China have been assessing their country's recent economic history. This volume, as well as the others in the SSRC series, provide western scholars with an accessible English language look at the state of current Chinese scholarship, and as such, do not simply provide information for the direct study of economic issues, but also for meta-level analysis of the interplay of China's policy, scholarship, and economy. Specifc topics include banking and finance, inequality of growth, and women's role in the workforce.

Table of contents

Chapter One Formation of China’s Rural Reform Policy
Chen Xiwen
Chapter Two The Reform, Opening, and Development of China’s Industrial Economy
Chen Jiagui and Wang Qin
Chapter Three Labor Market Development and Expansion of Rural and Urban Employment
Cai Fang
Chapter Four The Intrinsic Logic of China’s Banking Industry Reform
Yi Gang
Chapter Five Government Transformation and Public Finance
Hu Angang
Chapter Six China’s Integration with the World: Development as a Process of Learning and Industrial Upgrading
Justin Yifu Lin and Yan Wang
Chapter Seven Beyond the East Asian Miracle: Looking Back and Future Prospects for China’s Economic Growth Model
Wu Jinglian and Fan Shitao
Chapter Eight Economic Growth and Income Distribution: An Empirical Analysis of China’s Experiences
Li Shi
Chapter Nine Women’s Contribution to Economic Development: Thirty Years of Rural Labor Market Development and Women’s Participation and Contribution
Linxiu Zhang and Team